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Coming from the contemporary photography movement of the 80s, Marc Giloux is a French artist, born in Nîmes, France, who is living and working in Venice, Italy.
MG uses a range of media including painting, writing, sound, performance and curating.
The exhibitions, performance, curating are produced in institutional setting in Europe, Asia and Canada (Biennale di Venezia 2009, Biennale di Larnaca Cyprus, 2023, Viva Action Montréal 2011, Month of Performance Berlin 2012, tpa Torino 2013, Imma Dublin 2014, Gallery Epice South Korea, etc.) or anonymous street spaces.
Writing through the book publications (latest issue: Anon, le sujet improbable, notations, etc. by éditions L’Harmattan, Paris (2015) which is a recapitulation about his work over the last 25 years), and novel (Jack Pot, Kituki au Kentuki, Sans Plan, ed. courte-line, France)
Since 2016 critical art texts and manager in Les cahiers d’art de courte-line, art-magazine on line ( under various pseudonyms such as j.f. Yorobietchik, Philippe Carcassone, Orlando Tignatello, Amelia Kristensen.
He has taught at the high art school (Esaaa, University of Fine arts in Annecy, France)
Official curator for the exhibition program of the Musée de l’Ohm in Bologna, Italy (2013-2014),
an exhibition about performance art Keep the Process Warm, in Montauban, France (2017),
Olso in 2019/20 Intimacy, an exhibition about video with 20 international artist:
Since 2020 he used his studio in Venice as a place of experimentation by inviting artists to develop specific works (SMAG, San Marcuola Atelier Galerie Venezia)
Expositions-Interventions-Performances depuis 1987
Biennale Larnaca (Cyprus) Home Away from Home, curating Yev Kravt.
Boiler Suit, Via Cellini Gallery, Cisternino (Br) Italy (solo exhibition), curating Lucia Uni.
Les aventures de Jacques Hertant, pièces radiophoniques, “de la fiction”, journées d’études Université Paris 8. organisation Germs, Ciro Bruni.
nouvelle photographie française 70′, édition contrejour, Paris (Carole Naggar, Coline Olsina, Claude Nori, Hervé le Goff) photo de couverture et quatrième de couverture Marc Giloux.
Zombismo, Karin Andersen + Marc Giloux, SMAG (San Marcuola Atelier Galerie), curating Félix Giloux, Venice, It
We are in front of you, Galerie épice, curating Sun Joo Lee, Daejeon, South Korea (solo exhibition)
Del luogo e fuori luogo, curating Marc Giloux, SMAG (San Marcuola Atelier Galerie) Venice, It
Reflet, video exhibition, curators Sun Joo Lee + Sohyun Park, Galerie épice, Daejeon, South Korea
Keep the Process Worm, exposition collective sur la performance art, artist-curating Marc Giloux,
Résidence du Fort, Montauban, Fr
Before hanging, Arstyle Gallery, curating Maddalena Hoffmann, Malaga, Spain
Michael Thonet, intervention-performance (sur Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster 1887-2058) Musée Georges Pompidou, Paris, Fr
Orlando Tignatello, performance, Musée de l’OHM c/o Museo medievale, curating Chiara Pergola/Marc Giloux, Bologna, Italia (solo exhibition)
Dutchlord, performance, curating Manuela Macco, Tpa (Torino Performance Art), It
Zurbaran, MLB Gallery, Ferrara, It
Pedro Roldan, performance, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, curating Maddalena Hoffmann, Sevilla, Spagna
Two Pounds, and The Ballad of Persse O’ Reilly, performance, IMMA (Irish Museum Modern Arte and J. Joyce Fondation) Dublin, Ireland
Marc’Antonio Ingenieri, performance, LETS BODY TALK, Teatro Monteverdi, curating Isabella Falbo, Cremona, It
François Denomé, Esaaa (high art school Annecy Fr), città dell’Aquila, It
Ramazzotti, installation + performance le oche selvaggio, Italianitudine, Villa Florio, Udine, It
Christian Stein, performance, curating Manuela Macco, tpa (Torino Performance Art, It)
Achille Canna, Art First Off, Fiera Arte Contemporanea, Sala Borsa, Bologna, It (solo exhibition)
Jean Louis Lagnel, performance, Musée de l’OHM c/o Museo medievale, Bologna, It (solo exhibition)
George MacDiarmid, Month of Performance, Alexander Platz + Kunsthale Am, Berlin, Germany (solo exhibition)
Niya Yu, performance, Studio 3003, Xian, China
Nouvelle photographie (1978-2012) Mois de la Photographie, Galerie Montparnasse, Paris, Fr
T. Dubreuil, ArteLibri, Bologna, It (solo exhibition)
Antonin Guillemet, intervention urbaine-performance, l’Olympia, Paris, Fr (solo exhibition)
Video Web Cam, 47a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro, It
Frank Jacson, interventions urbaines-performances (Viva Art Action) festival d’art performance,
Montréal, Canada (solo exhibition)
Prospero’s Films, video d’artista, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova, It
Stanislas Rodanski, intervention urbaine-performance, galerie Esca hors les murs, Lyon, Fr (solo exhibition)
Serge Podolinsky (1) intervention urbaine-performance, Kiev, Ukraine (solo exhibition)
(2) Musée Fabre, Montpellier, galerie Esca hors les murs, Fr (solo exhibition)
Roby Hornet, intervention urbaine-performance, galerie du Roi, Bruxelles, Belgique (solo exhibition)
Guy Woodhouse, intervention publique-performance, Biografilmfestival, Bologna, It (solo exhibition)
Gilles Deleuze, sound performance, Festival Meringhe Rose, Cartocetto, It
Matteo Xantaxyzene, performance, galleria Fluxus, Bari, It
Corrado Feroci, intervention urbaine-performance, galerie Esca hors les murs, piazza Santa
Maria Formosa, 53ème Biennale di Venezia, It (solo exhibition)
Peter Townsend, intervention urbaine, rues à Bangkok, Thaïlande
A voix haute, exhibition PPCM gallery and sound voce performance in the city,
Galerie Esca, Nîmes, Fr (solo exhibition)
R.O.V.E. Festival Filosofia, intervento urbana, Modena, It
Have you ever felt that your body is not your own? Sound voce performance, collateral event,
52ème Biennale di Venezia, It
a name is a name, IO Project, sound-voce-performance, Macchiagodena, It
Tonarm, intervention urbaine-performance, Aix en Provence, Fr
Oslo/Olso, intervention urbaine-performance, Oslo, Norvège
Giungla Video2, Parco di Toppo Florio, Buttrio-Udine, It
Ford, collaborazione Mambo + Komà ArtGallery, Bologna, It (solo exhibition)
Les fins, Atelier Création Radiophonique, sound-piece-music, with Onuma Nemon, France-Culture, Paris
Sound-piece, Q13, Centro Culturale Candiani, Venezia-Mestre, It
Celebrita, exposition + sound-piece, galleria OrfeoHotel, Bologne, It (solo exhibition)
We are in front of you, sound-piece, galleria InternoDumDum, Bologne, It
Les fleurs du bal, sound-piece, Musée du Palais de l’Ile, Annecy, Fr (solo exhibition)
Les rousses, sound piece, CD audio, Solemioproduct (sound-work edit. management Marc
Giloux) It
Atelier (obscur) sound-piece, Galleria Interno Dum-Dum, Bologna, It
Luogo comune, sound-piece radio play, galleria Neon, Bologna, It
Sound-music-piece + photos, galerie Nadar, Marseille, Fr (solo exhibition)
Sound-radio + performance + installation, Aldebaran Art Contemporain, Montpellier-Baillargues, Fr (solo exhibition)
Topographie d’une exposition, galerie Jean-Christophe Aguas, Bordeaux, Fr (solo exhibition)
Musée Géo-Charles, Grenoble-Echirolles, Fr (solo exhibition)
Le rapport aux choses, Espace Lyonnais d’Art Contemporain (Elac), Lyon, Fr (solo exhibition)
Articles, publications, éditions depuis 1978
Photographie Actuelle en France, éditions Contrejour, Paris, Fr
2 sets à Nice, Galerie ERRATA, Montpellier, compte-rendu de l’exposition, Bernard Teulon-
Nouailles in catalogue Christian Laune, Fr
Salon International de la Recherche Photographique, Royan, Fr
Sol/Mur, catalogue, commissariat et texte Philippe Nottin, Fr
Art Press, article Régis Durand, N° 79 et 83, Fr
Des Intrus dans la photographie, catalogue, organisation P. Nottin, Fr
Juxtaposition 3, catalogue, Grenoble, France ;
Art Press, article Régis Durand, N° 92, Fr
Pour la photographie, Tome 2, de la fiction, Colloque de Venise/ Université Paris 8, éditeur
Germs, Paris, Fr
35ème Salon de Montrouge, catalogue, Paris, Fr
Pour la photographie, Tome 3, la vision non-photographique, Colloque Collège International de
Philosophie, Editeur GERMS, Paris, Fr
Les Arts de la Rue, Biennale de la Photo, organisation Germs, Grand Palais, Paris, Fr
Musée Géo-Charles, catalogue, Grenoble-Echirolles, Fr
Art Press, article Didier Arnaudet, N° 179, Fr
Le temps désarticulé, Philip K. Dick, catalogue, Aldébaran, Montpellier, Fr
Les états du jeu, article Bernard Teulon-Nouailles, in Reg’arts n°10, Nov 96, Fr
La photographie et le temps, texte Danièle Méaux, Université de Provence éditeur, Marseille, Fr
Les OANI, texte François Soulages, Université Paris VIII, Fr
Saveur du soir, chansons, CD, Galleria Interno Dum-Dum, It
Les Rousses, pièces sonores, CD audio,Solemioproduct, It
Whe are in front of you, textes Alberto Zanchetta, Tommaso Gavioli, Christian Rainer, Galleria
Dum Dum, Bologna, It
Celebrita, texte C. Rainer, Galleria Orfeo-Hotel, Bologna, It
Planètes Sonores, Radio-Arts-Cinéma, texte Alexandre Castant, éd. Monographik Paris, Fr
Papiers Libres art contemporain, N° 53, textes Marc Giloux/Michèle Cohen, M. Vautier, Fr
In principio fu Corrado Feroci, Biennale di Venezia, texte C. Rainer, It
les giloux, catalogue, n° hors-série Papiers Libres Art Contemporain, Roger Bouvet directeur de
publication, Fr
Papiers Libres art contemporain, N° 61, une affaire de signature, texte Lise Ott, Fr
47a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro, vidéos d’artistes, texte de présentation
Antonio Pezzuto, It
VIVA Art Action, Montréal, Menues Manœuvres d’Existence, texte Sylvie Tourangeau, Canada
Jack Pot (roman) éditions courte-line, Fr
Kituki au Kentuki (réécriture de pièces radiophoniques) éditions courte-line, Fr
Sans Plan (roman aléatoire) éditions courte-line, Fr
Anon le sujet improbable, notations, etc. éditions L’Harmattan, Paris, Fr
Moving Bodies: An Anthropological Approach to Performance Art
by Alicja Khatchikian
(European Master of Arts in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Wien)
Les cahiers d’art de courte-line, Manager et articles sous le nom de j.f. Yorobietchik et Philippe Carcassonne.